Hi, I’m Megan, a busy mom of three and the founder of Lake Label, a UPF 50+ sun protective children’s swimwear line based here in Des Moines. My family loves to be outdoors, especially near the water. But getting three...
  When I think mom style, my mind immediately goes to the classic '90s mom jeans (you know, the ones before they were "cool") or a tired mom wandering around in yesterday's pajamas (which is really just her husband's oversized...
Today is National Plus Size Appreciation Day. I’m a sucker for a made-up holiday, and this one makes a lot of sense in my life right now. I tend to experience fairly significant weight fluctuations. For years I worked hard...
My daughter who just started 6th grade is kind, generous, really, really good at math, a Girl Scout who just got her Bronze Award. She also happens to have turquoise blue hair.  It may surprise some when they realize...
The most common thing I hear women say about their wardrobe is, “every day I go to my closet where I have a ton of clothes, but can never find anything to wear!” I used to struggle from this...
It's safe to say no one expected face masks to become an essential part of our wardrobe at the beginning of the year. But as families are preparing to send kids back to school, many of us are adding...
Want to elevate your mom-style this spring? I am sharing a few wearable spring trends to add to your wardrobe, plus some easy outfit ideas that are sure to take your style from basic to chic! With all that is...
Spring is just around the corner! Jumpstart organizing your closet by letting go of pieces you never wear and highlighting what you regularly reach for in your closet. The Midwest Winter to Spring transition can be tricky for your wardrobe....
Getting dressed postpartum can be tricky and sometimes discouraging. It is easy to wear the old stand by—elastic-banded maternity jeans—but wearing those jeans after having a baby does something to your already vulnerable emotional state. Disguise that mommy pouch with...
Have you ever asked yourself how clean your beauty products are?  I am a self-admitted beauty product junkie. I love trying new products, so starting my journey to using cleaner products was super fun. Some of you may thinking, "what the...

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