Spring is just around the corner! Jumpstart organizing your closet by letting go of pieces you never wear and highlighting what you regularly reach for in your closet.
The Midwest Winter to Spring transition can be tricky for your wardrobe. Here are some hacks to maximize space while keeping those few essential cozy warm things while you reach for the floral dresses and peep-toe flats.
7 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Closet
Hack 1—Declutter
My husband and I share a closet, so each season I declutter only my side to make the space manageable. It simultaneously encourages him to do the same. Having things in your closet you don’t wear regularly, or are not wearable anymore are adding to the clutter and confusion every time you reach in your closet. Rethink each piece and donate what you don’t need.
Assess each piece hanging in your closet.
Pull out a piece of clothing and ask yourself these questions…
“Does it fit my current body?”
“It is still in good shape” (i.e. is it free of holes, stains or stretched out)
“Do I like the way it looks on me?” (Does it flatter your body, does it make you feel confident & comfortable?) If you answered “NO” then it needs to go.
Hack 2—Create easy access to your underwear/bra drawer
Your undergarments are the first pieces of clothing you put on every day and often the organization is overlooked. This is a great place to start spring cleaning your closet if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
As moms, we fluctuate in sizes being pregnant, postpartum, or nursing, or maybe put on or lost weight over the years. Organize sports, underwire, and nursing bras and underwear (which will enhance or detract from any outfit you wear) depending on how they fit under your clothes.
I love to use these cloth bin organizers in my closet to store my undergarments.
Hack 3—Keeps, Let Gos and Maybes
Ask yourself how frequently you wear every piece. Has it been over a year? If you answer “YES” then is time to donate to someone who could use it, or consign (if it’s in OK condition). These are great places to donate your gently used clothing, shoes & accessories:
Go through each piece individually, and be honest with yourself (a la Marie Kondo) The more you have and hold onto, the more potential clutter you’ll have in your closet. If you’re sentimental about a piece of clothing, consider storing it elsewhere for a future quilt or textile project.
Once you’ve established your “Let Go” and “Keep” piles (use the questions above to get your answer), this will leave you with your “Maybe” pile.
When sorting through your Maybes, go back to the Keeps and check for style duplicates. You do not need multiple shirts or pants in the same style and color. The goal here is to simplify, and only keep the items you absolutely love and will actually wear. If you have any kind of doubt, then that item should not be in your closet.
Hack 4—Let it go and make some dough
Make a pile for the items you know you want to get rid of and decide if you want to donate or consign. If they’re in good enough condition, you should consider consigning. Here are a few local consignment shops:
Worn or Stuff Etc.
I love the idea of donating to women who truly need it.
Hack 5— Be lenient with your maternity and postpartum clothes
This is the exception to spring cleaning your closet: if you are pregnant, nursing, or planning to become pregnant again, keep that relevant clothing (if it’s in good shape, you love it, and will wear it again) and store it in a bin, somewhere other than your closet i.e under the bed, in your basement closet, or elsewhere. Clear storage totes from Target are a great option so you can easily see stored contents.
Remember to keep them together, labeled, and organized so you can find them again when you need them.
Hack 6—K.I.S.S— Keep it Simple Sweets!
The only thing you want in your current closet is what you are going to be wearing over the next 2-3 months. For this upcoming unpredictable Midwest Spring season, a balance of late winter and early spring items is a must.
Late Winter: Rainboots, 1 Winter coat, cold weather hat/scarf, 2-3 sweaters, a turtleneck
Early Spring: Basic tank, shift dress, chambray shirt, flats/mules, fedora (or another spring hat) denim or military jacket
Fall, summer and heavy winter items should be stored in a separate part of the house
By this point, you’ve successfully narrowed it down to just Keeps. Yas girl! It’s time to organize and hang them by category and color (tops, cardigans/sweaters, pants, jeans, skirts dresses)
Hang tops and dresses by sleeve length: tanks, then tees, then long sleeves
This is an easy way to keep your pieces organized and easier to “shop your closet” and pick out an outfit every day.
If space is an issue in your closet, design your own outfit inspiration station—a simple garment rack to hang your upcoming week of outfits
Bonus hack(!) Lay out your outfit the night before, including your gym outfit or athleisure wear. Taking a few extra minutes the night before will save you time and sanity when getting dressed that day.

If you’ve read this far and are still feeling overwhelmed, email me ([email protected]) and let’s set up a free Closet Curating Consultation.
Happy Spring cleaning!