Take the vacation.
Not the family trip.
The vacation.
The one where you get to spend some time discovering yourself on a solo trip or rediscovering your spouse on a getaway that is most likely long overdue and much needed.
I often see moms post about the guilt associated with leaving their kids and I get it. I totally do and your feelings are extremely valid. We’re hardwired to put our kids above everything else and that’s great to an extent…
We’ve all heard the phrase “you can’t pour from an empty cup” and as cliché as that is, it’s repeated over and over again for good reason. Because when you are depleted from the constant push and pull of motherhood/life balance your emotional battery can drain faster than an outdated iPhone.
Start by researching some realistic options. Whether your schedule, childcare arrangements, and bank account allow for a trip to Europe or a change of scenery a few cities over, a vacation sans kids doesn’t require some elaborate jet-setting scenario. Find a place where you can enjoy leisurely alone time that allows you to get back in touch with yourself and/or your partner.
Somewhere you can explore without packing a stroller or constantly worrying about little legs getting tired.
Somewhere you can peruse shops and places of interest without worrying if a tiny human is going to knock over a display of glass trinkets or make you regret the price of admission when they throw the most epic tantrum and your museum tour is cut short.
Somewhere you can find a restaurant without a kid’s menu and you can cut into a perfectly cooked steak instead of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that they wanted cut diagonally and not vertically (even though that’s how they liked it cut yesterday).
But most importantly, somewhere you can recharge.
And breathe.
And just be.
So, if time and funds allow, book the trip and be sure to leave mom guilt off your packing list, because honestly… you’re carrying a heavy enough load already!