Hate New Year’s resolutions? Try this instead.

no more new years resolutions
photo by TITOVA ILONA from ilonakozhevnikova for Canva

I am not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. Here’s why.

  • Dec. 31 – Have a blast celebrating New Year’s Eve with family and friends while thinking about all the amazing things we’re going to accomplish in the new year.
  • Jan. 1 – Sleep in, watch movies, cheer for our favorite football team.
  • Jan. 2 – Chaos. It’s back to school, behind at work and there’s a half-dead Christmas tree in the living room somebody needs to take care of.
  • Jan. 3 – What New Year’s resolutions?

What a horrible time to set actual resolutions! On top of that, we’re moms. There’s always some form of chaos in our ever-changing lives.

If we can’t go to bed on December 31 and wake up an entirely different person on January 1, what can we do instead of setting broad, sweeping New Year’s resolutions?

Try this instead of New Year’s resolutions

Step 1: Stop, think, celebrate

  1. Sometime between now and Jan. 2, find an hour or two of solo time.
  2. Go to a coffee shop with a pen and paper.
  3. Write down 10 things you absolutely love about your life and don’t want to change.
  4. Toast to that – shout it from the rooftop, celebrate it on New Year’s Eve – be happy about what makes you happy!
  5. Keep this list and reflect on it when things get chaotic.
  6. Next, write down 10 things about your life that stress you out, you want to change or you just hate.

Step 2: Categorize

Seasonal Things You Hate

We all have things that stress us out at certain times of the year. These are easy to forget because they sneak up on us. It could be Christmas shopping, back-to-school prep, a weedy yard in the spring, or the shift of seasons that creates chaos in your entryway. Seasonal things on your list go in this category.

One-Time Issues

Look at things that are one-time issues or issues that can be solved for a year or so. That’s what this category is for. The hallway closet is full of stuff you don’t use and needs a thorough clean-out. Maybe you need a new car. Or, your front door is the ugliest color on the planet.

Life-Long Changes

A goal without a plan is a wish. If you want to eat healthier, be stronger, or save more money, small changes are going to get you there and keep you there. Life-long things go here.

Step 3: Start Planning

You can’t realistically change ten things in one month. And, you know life is going to toss you curveballs over the next year. Take your ten things and space them throughout the year.

  • Seasonal things – put them on the list for the month they stress you out. Then, think about what you can do the month or two before to help accomplish the goal.
  • One-time issues – As you look at your list, space your one-time issues throughout the year. Painting the door? Do it in a month you know is slower for you. Need a new car? Have savings goals each month until you reach your goal and then go car shopping.
  • Life-Long changes – If you have some life-long changes on your list, you need to do something to work toward that goal each month. This is probably where you need the most dedication and flexibility. This is also a section that evolves more as you go than can be planned for every month for an entire year.

Happy brainstorming!

I created a little worksheet to help your brainstorming! There’s a page for 10 things you love and a page for 10 things that bug you. From there, a sheet will help categorize those 10 things.

Finally, there’s a sheet for every month where you can start to make notes and outline a plan. Or, take those 10 things that bug you and try out any type of goal-setting system that works for you.

10 Things Blank Worksheet (Canva)

10 Things Blank Worksheet (PDF)

10 Things Worksheet Example (Canva, filled out)

At the end of the day, writing down 10 things that you love about your life is an accomplishment in itself! Small things can lead to big changes.

It’s cliche but it’s true. So, cheers to you and the amazing 10 things about your life!

How do you feel about New Year’s Resolutions? 


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