Watching you become a father has been one of the biggest blessings I have been able to witness. It has been quite the rollercoaster. From the night we found out we were expecting, to the night we were told we were doing an emergency c-section in the middle of the night and you were two hours away. This journey of parenthood with you has brought me so much happiness and to say I’m thankful for you is an understatement.
I know the beginning months of fatherhood were especially hard for you since you were only able to come on the weekends due to work. Your face would light up every time you saw our tiny miracles. You were hands-on with anything the nurses would let you do. From trying to change their diapers in the tiny incubators to carefully giving them a bath with all the wires that were attached to them, you did it all with a smile on your face.
You are also the hardest working person I have ever met. Your work ethic is unmatched. When I look at you with the boys I can’t help but beam with pride. You are instilling in them the core values that are the reasons why I love you. The boys love to be right there with you when you are working on any projects around the house and the way you explain what you’re working on to them melts my heart.
When you come home from working a full day and are exhausted, you still greet the boys with a “what’s up dudes!” I know you would really like to just sit down in your chair and put your feet up, but their eyes light up when you walk through the door. Without hesitation, you instantly start playing and running around with them.
In a world where many parents are trying to raise their boys to be aware of their feelings, I can say without a doubt, that you are not afraid to be vulnerable in front of our children. When you go through some of the hardest situations I love that you show the raw emotion of what you are feeling.
Lastly, thank you for being the best father to our boys. I could not have even dreamed up a better dad. You are equal parts loving, silly, calm, and fierce all rolled up into one major hunk. I mean it when I say I don’t know how I would navigate being a parent without you. You step in and help before I even know I need it. I love you!