Not sure how you’re going to keep your kids entertained when you’re stuck at home? We feel your pain! That’s why we created this guide to indoor activities for kids. We hope it helps you stay sane when you find yourself stuck inside, due to weather, sickness, or just having little kids!
Hang in there mama! We’re here for you!
Indoor Activities
Get out all your stuffed animals and have a pet salon or play veterinarian.
Build an epic fort! Use sheets, pillows, chairs, and blankets.
Play board games. Here are some of our favorite games for toddlers.
Make slime.
Kids love sensory bins! Fill a tub with rice, beans, or water beads, and let them dig and dump and play to their heart’s content.
Build a fort out of cardboard boxes. You can decorate them with markers.
Rearrange the furniture or switch kids’ bedrooms.
Get organized! Now’s a great time to clean closets, purge, and get things ready to donate.
Fill up the tub, get some bowls and cups, and let the kids play in the bathtub ’til their fingers are pruney.
Pull out toys you haven’t played with recently and watch your kids rediscover what they loved about them.
Have an indoor campout! Grab sleeping bags, push back furniture, and spend the night together. Go all out and set up a tent in the living room.
Look at old photo albums. Kids love hearing stories about when they were babies or before they were born.
Learn to play dominoes.
Clean! Give your kids a spray bottle and a rag and put them to work!
Clear off a table and work a big puzzle.
Blow up balloons and draw faces on them.
Have an arm-wrestling tournament.
Fun Activities in the Kitchen
Channel your inner chef and bake something from scratch like cookies, pizza, or muffins.
Watch an episode of The Great British Baking Show. Pick a theme and have everyone in your family make something. If you’re lucky, you won’t have to make dinner!
Let the kids make dinner. You may be surprised at what they can do!
Have a family “chopped” competition. Give everyone a few ingredients they have to use and see what they come up with!
Creative and Crafty Indoor Activities
Pull out all your craft supplies and get busy!
Make Play-Doh. It’s so easy!
Cut up pages from old magazines to make a collage.
Get a big roll of paper and start drawing. Tape it to the floor and trace around your body.
Color! Download these fun coloring sheetings from XO-LP.
Get out all your LEGOs, blocks, trains, and cars and build an epic city.
Make stick or sock puppets.
Pull out all the dress-up clothes and put on a show!
Give your kids an old digital camera and let them take pictures around the house. It’s fun to see things from their perspective.
5 Ways to Burn Energy Inside
Teach your kids how to do sit-ups and push-ups and see who can do the most.
Let everyone pick a song and create a playlist for a dance party.
Move cars out of the garage and let kids roller skate or scooter around.
Find some zen with Cosmic Kids Yoga.
Challenge your kids to do as many jumping jacks as they can in a minute.
Educational Activities
Tour a famous museum (for FREE!) from the comfort of your living room.
Listen to audiobooks from the library. Here are some of our favorites.
Kids off school? Stay fresh on reading, math, and more with this incredible list of free educational resources.
Download the Preschool Alphabet Packet from Teaching Mama. It’s an incredible resource!
Write letters to family living in other cities or find a pen pal.
Listen to one of these great podcasts for kids.
Do a science experiment. An easy one is mixing vinegar, baking soda, and food coloring.
Get a graphic novel for your older kids to read.
Look up “how to draw” tutorials on YouTube.
Find different things in the house to count. This is a great activity for preschoolers who are working on their numbers.
Make a book. Come up with a story together. You write and the kids illustrate.
Screen time activities
Not all screen time is bad, especially if you’re stuck inside for days on end. Here are some great ways to stay entertained when you’re stuck inside.
Movie night (every night!) Here are 30 Family-Friendly Movies.
Tired of Disney+ and Netflix? Check out these 5 kid-friendly YouTube channels.
Give your kids your phone and let them create a music video or show.
Download a fun new app. Check out this list of free and cheap apps for kids.
Pick a family-friendly TV show and start watching it together.
Introduce your kids to classic movies on Disney+ like Ducktales, Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers, Goof Troop, and more.
Make stovetop popcorn, grab blankets and pillows, and snuggle up to watch a favorite movie.
Have a video game tournament. Mario Kart anyone?