Common Symptoms of Pregnancy


This editorial series, Women’s Health, is brought to you by The Iowa Clinic and Des Moines Mom. The Iowa Clinic’s Women’s Center offers coordinated care so you can schedule all your appointments in a single day. All 5 original articles from the Women’s Health series can be found here.

Pregnancy is a time of great change, both physically and emotionally. Many women experience a variety of symptoms during pregnancy, some of which can be uncomfortable or even debilitating. However, it is important to remember that these symptoms are usually normal and are a sign that your body is preparing for the arrival of your baby.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of pregnancy:

Missed period: This is often the first sign of pregnancy. If you have missed your period, take a home pregnancy test or see your doctor to confirm.

Nausea and vomiting: This is also known as morning sickness, but it can happen at any time of day or night. It is thought to be caused by the changes in hormone levels that occur during pregnancy.

Sometimes a woman has vomiting so severe that she will become dehydrated. When this happens intervention is necessary.

Early treatment of nausea and vomiting may help reduce progression to Hyperemesis Gravidarum. The goal of treatment is to decrease the vomiting to a tolerable level. Treatments cannot alleviate all the vomiting. First line treatment of nausea and vomiting includes vitamin B6. This can be purchased at most stores. Start with 25mg to 50mg two or three times a day.

If the vitamin B6 taken alone does not help, doxylamine can be taken along with it. Doxylamine can be bought over the counter in a sleeping pill called Unisom. Be sure to purchase the pill and not the capsule because the pill is the one with the doxylamine. You can take one at bedtime along with the vitamin B6, or 1/2 of the Unisom pill twice a day with vitamin B6.

//RELATED CONTENT: Pregnancy & Postpartum Resources //

Non-pharmacologic Options to Help with Nausea and Vomiting:

  • Ginger capsules. These can be purchased at health food and vitamin stores.
  • Over the counter pressure wristbands can be purchased at drugstores.
  • Acupressure or acupuncture. Treatment over the P6 point can be a benefit. Please contact  local acupuncturist.
  • Frequent small meals. A small studey showed that protein meals were more likely to alleviate nausea and vomiting.
  • Hypnosis. If you want to do this, contact a hypnotherpaist that works mainly with medical hypnosis.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum

At least 50% of pregnant women will experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Hyperemesis Gravidarum represents the extreme end of the spectrum of vomiting. These women vomit so much that they become dehydrated. This occurs in 0.5% to 2% of pregnancies. The exact cause of Hyperemesis is not known. It is known that twins and other problems of pregnancy increase the risk of Hyperemesis. If you have Hyperemesis and have not had an ultrasound, one will be performed. Sometimes a woman needs to be treated with prescription medications. Some women will require IV therapy.

Breast tenderness and swelling Your breasts may start to feel sore and swollen early in pregnancy. This is due to the increased hormone production that is preparing your breasts for lactation.

Fatigue Fatigue is another common symptom of pregnancy. It is thought to be caused by the increased demands that your body is under.

Frequent urination You may need to urinate more often during pregnancy. This is due to the increased blood flow to your kidneys and the pressure that the growing baby is putting on your bladder.

Food cravings and aversions Many women experience food cravings and aversions during pregnancy. There is no scientific explanation for this, but it is thought to be related to the changes in hormone levels.

Other common symptoms of pregnancy include:

  • Mood swings
  • Backaches
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Heartburn
  • Bloating
  • Skin changes
  • Vaginal discharge

Please note: It is important to note that not all women will experience all these symptoms. Some women may experience only a few symptoms, while others may experience many. The intensity of the symptoms can also vary from woman to woman. If you have any concerns about your symptoms, please talk to your doctor.

Iowa Clinic

The Iowa Clinic understands that women are busy and going to the doctor isn’t always a priority. That’s why they developed the Women’s Center with coordinated care. Their scheduling staff can coordinate your annual exam, mammogram and other testing to be done in one day at one location.


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