Halloween is such a fun time of year! There are so many different activities, cute costumes, and opportunities for candy! My kids run from house to house to see who can get the most treats. At the end of...
If our family had a spirit animal, it would be Clark Griswold. Real trees – the kind you go to a tree farm and cut down -  have been part of Christmas for as long as I can remember. I...
The clock is ticking on the number of shopping days between now and Christmas. This year, get a jump start on your holiday shopping at local holiday craft shows and gift markets. It's a great way to support local...
I. Love. Halloween. It may even beat out Christmas as my favorite. I mean it! Think about it… when's the last time you stressed out about Halloween? When's the last time you stressed out about Christmas? Point made. Two main things...
Coloring eggs is one of my kids’ all-time favorite activities. And we’ve done it all. From traditional egg-dying kits to DIY color solutions to coloring with whipped cream, we’ve tried everything. Once we even dyed eggs for Christmas, because...
Kids either love Santa or are deathly afraid of him. If taking the kids to see Santa is on your holiday bucket list, here are some tips and tricks to make the visit as happy for everyone as possible!  Here's...
I love this time of year. Yep, I was jumping up and down last week when we had snow flurries, and you better believe the boys and I played outside (though we didn't last long -- it was VERY...
Every year my son comes to me with a new amazing DIY Halloween costume idea. He presents a picture of exactly how his costume is supposed to look and I magically make it appear just a few short weeks...
Today's post is a guest contribution by Kristin Porter of Iowa Girl Eats. The falling snow, twinkling lights, and status updates of friends strapping freshly-cut conifers to their cars on Facebook can only mean one thing – Christmas is just...
My memories of Easter as a child include a poofy pink Easter dress, Kinder chocolate eggs (you know, the ones with the little surprise toy inside), early church services, a 12-foot table with all sorts of mouth-watering platters, and,...

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In + Around Des Moines

Things to do in Des Moines in May 2024

May is the kick-off to our favorite festivals and farmers markets. Cinco de Mayo, BaconFest, CelebrAsian, Tulip Time, and Downtown Farmers Market are all...