My family thought I crossed the line from Mom to crazy Mom when I initially started talking about essential oils. But all they had to do was try them, and they are convinced. I first learned about essential oils three years...
I heard a phrase at a conference I attended recently and it has resonated with me ever since: "If you don’t have it when you need it…it’s too late." That is so true when it comes to health, and more importantly...
  Yost Family Chiropractic is well-known in the community and is recognized as one of the premier places to receive quality, whole family well-care.   It is definitely a WOW experience, from Yost's professional care team to the physical building. The facility...
As busy moms, we often struggle to find time to take care of ourselves and get the physical activity we desire and know we need! Today's giveaway is a perfect way to make those New Years resolutions happen in 2013! AdvoCare is...
With the New Year upon us, now comes the resolutions and finding the motivation to make changes.  The juggling act…work, home, spiritual growth, husband, kids, and fitness.  Oh my!  How can you squeeze more in?  If you choose to...
What is Lyfe Changing Fitness? Have you ever wanted a personal trainer to come to your house when it is convenient for you? If so, I need to introduce you to my new friend RJ Sumrall. RJ started a personal training...
With Valentine’s Day approaching, I thought this would be an appropriate time to examine some simple ways we can ‘guard our heart’, not emotionally but physically.  Our hearts are filled with love and joy for our families and swell...
Real fitness for real people. That could be the perfect slogan for local mommy Geneva Ross, ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor, and her business, GroupEx with Geneva. I recently had the good fortune of working with Geneva for...
Remember this post we did about a giveaway for free personal training sessions? Well we did an interview with Liz, the winner, about her experience with RJ Sumrall, owner of Lyfe Fitness. 1.What was your initial session like with RJ? LIZ:: My...
Today's post is sponsored by Apex Athletics: Taking cheerleading to the next level.   About Apex Athletics Director Nicole Gould shares: "We opened in 2009 with a goal to provide a great service to all of our customers whether they were 18...

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