New moms need encouragement now more than ever. Besides the expected emotional changes and physical healing from birth, new moms are also learning to parent their newborn during a global pandemic. It is common in our society to hear...
You probably know it is reading to your child is important. Did you know starting earlier is better? From the day they are born, infants, toddlers, and preschoolers develop language skills and pre-literacy skills every day that help them become...
Moms hear about all the things we should and should not eat while pregnant, but are rarely reminded of the possible dietary restrictions while breastfeeding. While nursing both of my boys I was challenged with adjusting my diet to...
Before I became a parent, I naively compiled a mental list of all the things I would never do as a parent: No screens until they’re older. Limited sugar. They will NOT behave badly in public. Co-sleeping is not...
I sat down to sign the permission slip for my husband to get his vasectomy. A concept I found slightly insane, considering he’s a grown adult who is fully capable of making his own decisions. This wasn’t a field...
  Preparing for a baby is expensive. Expecting twins? Twice as expensive - IF you buy two of everything. Fortunately, you don't need to. My twins, my "babies," just turned five, so I'm getting a little rusty on the baby registry...
Did your kids use a binky or pacifier or nuk? How did you wean them of it? Here's my story. My Binky Boy My oldest son, Jack, was a binky baby almost from the start. From 2 weeks to 2 years,...
When I was expecting my first baby, I had a brief desire to use cloth diapers, but being a first-time mom and already having so many things to decide, it got pushed to the backburner. When I became pregnant...
It's been over 5 years since we've been immersed in all things baby. We are expecting our third baby just in time for Christmas this year. I've always loved shopping for my girls, and this time is no exception....
August 1–7 is World Breastfeeding Week. Find more posts about the joys and challenges of breastfeeding and pumping here.  The time has come again. The last bag of breast milk has left my freezer. The special deep freeze we bought...

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