Thinking back to when my daughter was young, one of my biggest frustrations time-suckers was making my own baby food. I had the beloved Vitamix, I had the local produce, I just needed the time....
Which is why when I first learned...
August 1-7 is World Breastfeeding Week, and the theme for 2015 is Breastfeeding and Work: Let's Make It Work!
I don’t think anyone will tell you that breastfeeding is easy. Sure, it gets easier, but I wouldn’t say that it’s ever...
This post is part 2 of 5 in the series To Train Up a Child.
Mention the phrase “sleep training” and a few hot button topics come right to mind. Crying it out. Co-sleeping. Scheduling. Baby Wise….
I’ve done a little...
August 1-7 is World Breastfeeding Week, and the theme for 2015 is Breastfeeding and Work: Let's Make It Work!
There is only one time a year when I am willingly ready to resemble a cow. And you can bet there's...
I see the lines of my little girl’s face in the soft glow of the night light: the round curves of her cheeks, the soft point of her chin, and the upturn of her tiny nose. Her breath exhales...
I saw this meme on Facebook last week, and it quickly became the backdrop of my phone! Seriously, I don’t know if I will ever sleep all night again!
We had our third baby just over a year ago. The...
I remember a Christmas not so long ago when my husband surprised me with tickets to The Lion King. It was a huge deal — not just because I’d always wanted to experience that show, but because I’d been...
My baby turned 15 weeks old in February. I am savoring every single moment with this sweet little girl. She is our fourth. Potentially the last.... So, I am soaking up every snuggle, every giggle, every smile, every.single.thing.
In the...
Disclosure:: BLOOM is a sponsored event, made possible by partnerships with the businesses mentioned in this post. We feel all these companies bring value to our readers and we are very excited about all of the amazing products and businesses our...
Congratulations! You're a parent! You've had a safe delivery, learned to feed your new arrival, installed the car seat (no small feat), and made it home safely from the hospital. Now what?
As a pediatrician at The Iowa Clinic, I...
In + Around Des Moines
What’s New at the Science Center of Iowa
The Science Center of Iowa is in the heart of downtown Des Moines. It is one of my family's favorite places to go! It’s...