Becoming a new parent can be overwhelming and confusing. Everyone has advice, from your mom to your neighbor, and it can be difficult sorting facts from myths. One person you should definitely have on your parenting team is a...
We all deal with tantrums in our own ways. Every kiddo is different and certainly every parent is different. For me, I've found that a little creativity goes a long way. As my daughter is now a full-fledged (terrible)...
Here are a doctor’s sleep training tips on how to get your child to sleep through the night Did you know that by 4 months of age, 80 percent of babies can be safely trained to sleep through the night?...
The other day I realized my toddler needs me. This may seem obvious, but I don’t mean she needs me in the sense of needing someone to make her food, change her diaper, or provide her with clothing and...
August 1–7 is World Breastfeeding Week. Find more posts about the joys and challenges of breastfeeding and pumping here.  The time has come again. The last bag of breast milk has left my freezer. The special deep freeze we bought...
If you've been with DMMB for awhile, you may remember the chilly morning last winter our team bundled up and headed to the East Village for our team photos with Megan Schaap Photography. We've had the chance to work with Megan...
You're a busy mama, and you want to pamper yourself a little and paint your nails. If only it were that easy! Here's what it looks like when I try to paint my nails: 1. Give baby a sufficient distraction:: food,...
The transition from elementary to middle school is big. I was excited when my stepdaughter’s teacher sent an email asking parents or other special people in the students’ lives to write a letter to the student. The teacher would...
During the first year of my twins' lives I learned how to save time, energy, and money with two babies in the house. Through lots of prayers, cups of coffee, and conversations with other mommas, I am on the...
Today's GIVEAWAY is from K5 Learning - an online after-school study program for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. K5 Learning builds reading, math and study skills to last a lifetime. About K5 Learning: K5 Learning was founded by parents who wanted better learning tools available to their kids for...

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