Ah, sleep deprivation. It goes with parenthood like peanut butter goes with jelly. Before my oldest was born 4 years ago, this was one of my biggest worries about becoming a parent, because, after all, I like sleeping. And my...
My third little guy turned two in December 2020. He lived much of his first year during COVID times. We pulled him out of child care and his days consisted of two work-from-home parents and two sisters virtually learning. During...
We stood together for several minutes, the glow of the night light illuminating the room as we slowly swayed, my baby girl laying her head on my shoulder. I inhaled her perfume of baby shampoo and vaporub, resting my...
Do you have a little one who is constantly “dropping” or throwing their toys, drink, silverware, or anything from their high chair, stroller, or exer-saucer? We do in our house, so I was given the opportunity to review the Lil’...
I firmly believe every child needs a timer (or 4 if you are my son). During the early years, timers were a life saver for our family and helped us in parenting in many ways. If you would like...
As my kids have gotten older, the realization that I have little control becomes more and more apparent. Since I can’t be with my kids 24/7 to ensure their safety, it can bring emotions of anxiety, fear, and frankly, sometimes...
As I stood in the kitchen in the middle of the night, sobbing as I carefully measured scoops of formula to dump into a bottle, I couldn’t shake the overwhelming feeling that I was failing my child. What is wrong...
Here are a doctor’s sleep training tips on how to get your child to sleep through the night Did you know that by 4 months of age, 80 percent of babies can be safely trained to sleep through the night?...
I don't feel guilty about working outside of the house full-time. I'm really proud of my career, and I enjoy my job. I try not to beat myself up when I drop my kiddo off at daycare (although it is the least favorite...
If you give a tween a phone, she’ll eagerly agree to your pre-determined parental restrictions...at first.   When you enforce the bedtime restriction, she’ll beg for “a few more minutes” before surrendering her phone for the evening.   When you return her the...

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In + Around Des Moines

Things to do in Des Moines in May 2024

May is the kick-off to our favorite festivals and farmers markets. Cinco de Mayo, BaconFest, CelebrAsian, Tulip Time, and Downtown Farmers Market are all...