Get to know Amy Skogerson and Andrea McGinn the two attorneys who founded The Law Shop and their new way of offering legal services.
Amy and Andrea realized a large percentage of the population who are going through a family law matter are unrepresented by an attorney. They joined forces to start The Law Shop where their goal is to offer a variety of services and options for clients ranging from a single consultation or reviewing court documents, to full representation.
They call it unbundled legal services. Clients get to choose how much or how little involvement The Law Shop has in their case and receive a customized plan. Learn more about their unique approach and customized legal services here.
Their goal is to provide clients with a range of options for legal services. A typical law office requires a large retainer to take on a case and you don’t really know what you’re going to get from it.
What are unbundled services?
The Law Shop offers clients a wide range of service options, essentially customizing a plan for every client. They can customize a plan for your case. It’s not all or nothing. They work with you to figure out a plan that fits your specific needs. This lets them help clients control their legal costs.
When a client first meets with The Law Shop they do an evaluation of their legal needs, share their general legal perspective on it, and then customize a plan. Their goal is to give more of the population access to the justice system.
What is a collaborative divorce?
A collaborative divorce can also be called a court-free divorce. It is a team approach that focusses on the plan for couples moving forward. Clients get a team of professionals to work with including a collaborative attorney, mental health professional, and financial expert. The goal is to get you through the divorce in a manner that supports both parties and promotes healthy co-parenting. This is a great way for people to get creative solutions in a divorce that they might not get otherwise.
What other services does The Law Shop offer?
They do family law, estate planning, guardianship, criminal, real estate, and adoption services. If they don’t provide the service you need, they will refer you to someone who does.
Need legal assistance?
Contact Amy Skogerson or Andrea McGinn at The Law Shop with your questions about family law, divorce, estate planning, adoption, and more.
Connect with the Law Shop
Address :: 413 Grant St. Van Meter, IA
Phone :: 515-996-4045
Online ::
Phone :: 515-996-4045