Savor Summer with Your Kids

by Winnie Bruce from FFG Images for Canva

It’s summer break! That means it’s time for swimsuits, popsicles, and time outdoors. I don’t know about you, but I am ready for a reprieve from rushed mornings, packing lunches and checking folders.

I’m ready to lean in, and fully embrace and savor summer. Here are a few simple ways you can savor summertime with your kids, and make the most of the season.

Savor Summer

1. Have lemonade 

When I was little, my mom often kept a pitcher of lemonade (nothing fancy, just the Country Time powdered kind) in the fridge during the summer months. A glass of lemonade tastes extra delicious during the summer months! 

2. Play with the garden hose 

We have an inflatable pool, a slip and slide, and a sprinkler in our backyard, but my son loves nothing more than playing with the garden hose. Bonus? The yard can get watered at the same time. 

3. Catch lightning bugs 

This one is quite nostalgic to me. Growing up, my brother and I would run all over the yard collecting lightning bugs when they made their appearance. Watching the lightning bugs flash as the sun goes down is pretty magical. 

4. Eat popsicles 

Nothing screams summer to me like eating a popsicle in the sunshine. When I picture summertime, I always think of my oldest son licking up a Bomb Pop while melted popsicle juices drip down his arm. 

5. Have a bonfire

This is a favorite summer activity for my family! We love to have a bonfire in our driveway and make s’mores during the summer. A perfectly toasted marshmallow is one of the finer things in life. 

6. Eat outside

At my house we like to eat outside every opportunity that we get. I appreciate that it makes clean-up a little easier, and my oldest thinks that it makes mealtimes just a little more special. 

// RELATED CONTENT: Check out our Ultimate Guide to Summer 150+ Family Activities //

7. Head to your local library 

Make sure to go to your local library this summer. Most libraries offer some educational programming during the summer months that can be engaging for kids of all ages. Be sure to check out some new books while you are there! 

8. Play in a creek

Put your child in some old clothes and find a creek. Kids love to throw rocks, splash in the water, and explore. Unstructured time outside is a great way to spend a summer day. 

9. Head to the pool

Whether you blow up an inflatable pool in your backyard or head to a community pool in your neighborhood, there’s no better way to beat the heat than swimming. Which brings me to….

#10 – Get your hair wet

Make some core memories with your children and get your hair wet in the pool. I remember playing for hours in the pool with my parents, and I loved nothing more than when they jumped in the water. We were lucky enough to have a pool in our backyard, and once every summer my dad would come home from work and jump in the pool in his clothes. My siblings and I would all chant, “Dad! Dad! Dad!” as he ran from the corner of the yard to the pool, and my mom would just laugh as he shook water off himself afterwards. This memory always inspires me to get my own hair wet when swimming with my children.

I hope that this list inspires you, and gives you some ideas of how to savor summertime with your children. Let’s make the most of the summer together!

What do you do to savor summer? 


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