Whatever happened to predictability? Oh, how I can sing that song by heart. As a child, Full House was a staple. My childhood friends, Lynse and Chelsey, and I would watch, reenact, discuss who was the best uncle (Jesse) and which...
Our morning routine Monday through Friday is always the same. Get up. Brush our teeth. Get dressed. Go to daycare. We have a very short time frame to do drop-off before the school bus picks up. Lately, daycare drop-off has been...
One of my fears of being a “boy mom” was not being able to relate or have a good bond with my kids. I taught 5th grade for many years and I was worried my kids would be like many...
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on this topic, but I'm a mom who cares deeply about her sons. I've thought about posting on the topic of pornography for awhile, but when pairing it up next to "20 Awesomely Hipster Baby...
Introducing yourself to a new group of people is hard. I found that out this week. Beyond the personal demographics like married to husband Michael for 14 years, work-from-home mom to three kids – two boys and a girl, and lives in...
Math sometimes gets a bad reputation because as we are sitting in school, learning about exponents and coordinate grids we wonder, “When am I EVER going to use this?” While not everything I learned in math class is relevant to...
We live in a world of #hashtags that infiltrate every aspect of our lives, including parenting. And while I think most are fun and harmless, there are a few I just can’t get behind. This may be an unpopular opinion,...
Fear. Anxiety. Shame. Those are the top three adjectives I would use to describe how I felt when I lost my job. We graduate from college with good grades and meaningful internships with the reassurance and belief that we’ve done the proper steps...
When two out of three kids crawled into my bed shortly before 4:00 this morning, after all these years of having kids, I still believed I'd go back to bed for a while. The smallest kicked and wrestled with...
You’ve made a list of everything you’re looking for in your dream home. You’ve scoured Zillow and Trulia. You've made a "must-see" list from the houses your Realtor has sent for a Saturday full of showings. You are ready to jump into the...

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In + Around Des Moines

12 Great Patios in Des Moines

I don’t know about you, but the second the temperature gets above 70 degrees I suddenly want to forgo all responsibilities and take up...