Weaning. Transitioning. Training. If you’re a parent, chances are these are all words you’ve added to your parenting resume. A resume that is more extensive than you could have ever imagined. Parenting is the hardest, most underpaid position on the planet, and...
The truth about homeschooling is this: it’s scary. Fun, exhilarating, rewarding, enlightening, yes. But scary. Every summer preceding a new homeschool year, I become fearful. How in the world am I going to do this? I fret. Each year as...
Our family is together a lot. Sometimes it seems to be too much time together, especially during the cold, endless months of winter. These are the times that try men’s souls, and just because we’re learning about Thomas Paine in...
I’m going to be brutally honest and admit that I have a problem. My family has a problem. We are addicted to the TV. Actually, we're addicted to TV, our phones, the iPads, and the Wii. Basically, we really need...
"This gift is from Grandma," my mom said as she handed me a huge gift bag. My grandmother left this life last year. The statement made me pause. I sat down on the couch and started to pull things out...
Unplug. Be present. Limit screen time. I’m sure you’ve all heard the key phrases. The words encouraging you to put down your phone and focus on the here and now. The words are meant to inspire parents to log off of social...
This post is part 2 of 4 in the series Grandparents: Celebrating a Legacy of Love. From babysitting to weekend getaways to spoiling our children, grandparents can make such a lasting impression on our children. I am incredibly fortunate that...
Being part of a community is important as a mom and as a human being in general. I have found that outside of my ACTUAL community and network of friends, online communities via Facebook have been incredibly helpful. From...
My 8-year-old daughter kneeled in front of a blue metal wheelchair. With her smooth, slightly plump little fingers, she began to paint the fingernails on the stiff hands of her great-grandma. The two sets of hands were such a stark...
If you had asked me a decade ago where I would be living in 10 years, I guarantee Des Moines, Iowa, would have never crossed my mind. And yet, here I am, content as can be, in a city...

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In + Around Des Moines

12 Great Patios in Des Moines

I don’t know about you, but the second the temperature gets above 70 degrees I suddenly want to forgo all responsibilities and take up...