Growing up is hard, and sometimes it straight-up sucks. If there were no twists and turns, life would be pretty easy. Boring, you could argue. To those going through a difficult circumstance, however, a straight, smooth path can be...
My husband recently introduced me to podcasts. It makes me giggle a little to admit that I enjoy them, because it is basically talk radio. As a kid, I would get so annoyed when my parents would have talk...
Every year is full of challenges and celebrations. Before we start 2018, we wanted to take a minute to reflect on the highlights of 2017.
Are you a soccer mom?  Soccer moms are superheroes in my book. You're juggling schedules for practices and games, you're making sure players have all their gear, and most importantly, you're supplying snacks for everyone! Soccer Mom Survival Kit The best soccer...
My husband and I recently went on a vacation… ALONE!! (or at least it was supposed to be). We all have that one family member who refuses to take a hint. Despite having the tough conversation, and ultimately just blurting...
I was a young mom at the age 21 of when I had my oldest son. With that came the perks of bouncing back quickly after birth, having plenty of energy regardless of those sleepless nights, and keeping up...
You took the birthing classes, read all the books, and tirelessly researched all the must-have gizmos and gadgets to make the transition a seamless one. As you counted down the days until the arrival of your new addition, you...
In the last 12 years of being a parent, an infamous saying of mine would sound a little like this, “It’s just busy right now, it’ll get better after x,y,z.” Narrators voice: She was fooling herself; it did not get...
Last week was National Single Parent's Day. I saw several posts and tweets on social media so I started thinking about this day that is set aside to celebrate parents raising their kids solo. While I'm all for a day that gives...
In light of recent events, I've been hearing a lot about earthquakes. I learned that geologists have a difficult time predicting the frequency and intensity of aftershocks -- sometimes for years to come. Seriously, that description felt exactly like my...

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In + Around Des Moines

12 Great Patios in Des Moines

I don’t know about you, but the second the temperature gets above 70 degrees I suddenly want to forgo all responsibilities and take up...