The longer I parent, the more I realize how strongly kids thrive within a regular routine. No wonder so many of us have building anxiety when the summer months hit. Though summertime is wonderful, sometimes it’s hard to know...
Mom guilt. It rolls off the tongue like "mom jeans," but we wear its grip much tighter, like yoga pants. Or skinny jeans if that’s your thing. I’d like to say I don’t really experience much guilt as a mom, but...
Mom guilt. It is a real thing. We stay awake questioning many steps throughout our day trying to shake the feeling we did something wrong (even if we know we didn’t). We second guess decisions when other moms challenge our...
In light of recent events, I've been hearing a lot about earthquakes. I learned that geologists have a difficult time predicting the frequency and intensity of aftershocks -- sometimes for years to come. Seriously, that description felt exactly like my...
Let me start off by saying, I am surrounded by amazing women in my life who I know would do anything they could to help me out if I asked. Women who I know pray for my family when...
I turn 30 this month! EEEEK! I am actually excited! My 20s have been good to me, but I think the next decade is looking really good! Here is why: 1. Sleep Sleep has improved considerably for me lately. I still...
Sometimes after I get the last of my three kids in bed, not necessarily sleeping, but IN bed, my husband and I look at each other with a knowing look---a look of excitement, full of possibility. It’s time for… Wait. What...
Get them up. Get them dressed and ready. Fuel them up for the day. Drop them off at school. Make sure their homework is done. Feed them a healthy dinner. Drive them to their activities. Do the laundry. Clean...
Someone is on your side… No one is alone. These lyrics closed out the final song of the movie Into the Woods, and I felt my heart tug and the tears well up in my eyes. The movie struck a nerve in...
This post is part 4 of 5 in the series Self Embrace: Learning to Love the Skin We Are In. Growing up, I always thought my mom was the perfect balance of squishy and fit. (Keep reading, Mom!) She could...

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In + Around Des Moines

Things to do in Des Moines in May 2024

May is the kick-off to our favorite festivals and farmers markets. Cinco de Mayo, BaconFest, CelebrAsian, Tulip Time, and Downtown Farmers Market are all...