I have had the wonderful experience of donating my hair multiple times. It is the best feeling! I love giving my hair to people who need it. Imagine having hair loss and the confidence a wig could bring you. Before...
My sister, Sara, and I took a little rendezvous amidst the Target holiday madness over the weekend to shop for some new apparel for all the gatherings this season brings! I don't know about you, but I have 20...
In true only-child fashion, I celebrate my birthday the entire month of March. In my pre-budget heyday, that meant that I could justify any and all purchases I made during March. Now that my husband has put our family...
Everyone has a shopping list this time of year. From parents and siblings to spouses, girlfriends, and teachers, it can be overwhelming! We've done the work and curated a list of thoughtful gifts for everyone on your list. The...
Whether you're new to town or have lived here all your life, you have likely heard of Trixie's Salon. Located at 6209 SE 14th Street, Des Moines, Trixie's is the only Aveda Concept Salon on the south side and their...
It’s MARCH! That means warmer weather (most days) and for most of you mamas, cleaning winter clothes out of your kids' closets and replacing it with spring gear! If you’re like me, this chore may not be your favorite, but...
Getting dressed postpartum can be tricky and sometimes discouraging. It is easy to wear the old stand by—elastic-banded maternity jeans—but wearing those jeans after having a baby does something to your already vulnerable emotional state. Disguise that mommy pouch with...
Today's Giveaway is from Minerals By Bee - a locally owned business with the mission of providing affordable beauty products to both men and women of all skin types and all skin issues. Minerals By Bee was thought of first in...
One of my biggest insecurities as an adult has been my struggle with adult acne. I spent most of my adolescence with normal teenage-hormonal pimples---nothing a little concealer couldn't handle. So, I thought as an adult I would be...
boots  |  button-down  |  baseball tee |  shorts  |  swim trunks When it comes to style and shopping, I’ve always loved the “thrill of the hunt”. I lucked out to marry a guy who happens to appreciate a pulled-together look...

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In + Around Des Moines

Things to do in Des Moines in May 2024

May is the kick-off to our favorite festivals and farmers markets. Cinco de Mayo, BaconFest, CelebrAsian, Tulip Time, and Downtown Farmers Market are all...