Some of my most traumatic childhood memories are of going to the dentist. I was TERRIFIED of the dentist. Everytime my mom told me it was time to go to the dentist, I would break out in a cold sweat and...
The other night while tucking Tessa in for bed, we got to talking about her swim lessons. “I am not actually learning to swim, Mom.” Right. I explained to her that swim lessons right now are not to learn how to swim....
Des Moines Pediatric Dental Center is thrilled to introduce their latest staff addition -- Dr. Diana Pelzer, DDS. Now you have not one, but two great pediatric dentists when you bring your children into Des Moines Pediatric Dental Center. Starting...
This is a safe space. Let's be honest. Some love it. Some dread it. As a self-proclaimed nerd and lover of all things school, I'm here to say: I ADORE back-to-school shopping! When I was a kid... I remember--very distinctly--being worried each year when this time...
This sponsored post is brought to you courtesy of The Iowa Clinic -- providing comprehensive care for the entire family. Our author is pediatrician Dr. Jessica Greenley -- a mom herself!  Tips for a Healthy and Happy School Year As the school year approaches,...
This sponsored post is brought to you by Rounded Minds.  Are you interested in giving your child's brain a boost? What about giving your child the gift of creativity and choosing words in different languages? How would you feel if...
Sweet baby fusses from the bouncer while I fix dinner Looking, stretching for me to hold him. "You're fine, you don't need me," I croon. Baby boy hesitates to let go and take steps away from me Unsure how to move forward, how...
In my job as a therapist, I work with individuals to help them develop healthy coping skills to deal with life stressors and strong emotions. The past month, I have had to put my words where my mouth is...
This sponsored post is brought to you courtesy of The Iowa Clinic — providing comprehensive care for the entire family.   The Great EpiPen Dilemma There has been a great deal of media attention given to the price of the EpiPen in the...
As moms, we tend to worry about what dangers our kids might face each day. One of my biggest daily struggles as a mom is sending my kids--specifically my two boys--into public bathrooms by themselves.  My sons are 9 and 6...

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