If you didn’t find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow yet, today could be your lucky today!
Our GIVEAWAY today won’t just have one winner – we’ll have 19. Yep. 19 lucky kiddos will have a chance to win a month of art tuition from Art a la Carte!
About Art a la Carte
Art a la carte Des Moines provides creative, age appropriate art experiences designed to allow kids to explore their creativity in a positive, nurturing environment. The goal is for each student to gain an awareness of art history at a young age and develop the necessary skills to problem solve, build self-esteem, verbalize about art using a vocabulary of art terms and the ability to express themselves creatively.
Spring classes begin April 2nd and pre-registration is due no later than March 22nd.
Classes meet at West Des Moines United Methodist Church, 720 Grand Ave, West Des Moines, Iowa
Tuition is $88 and includes supplies. Classes require pre-registration through Instructor, Sharon Hatten at 515.669.6636.
About the Instructor
Classes are taught by Instructor Sharon Hatten, long-time Des Moines resident and Artist. Learn more about her here.
Art a la Carte also offers customized art experiences for parties and will go to homes for groups of 4 or more. Private instruction is also available in the metro area. Call for pricing.
April Programs
Classes are held the following Tuesdays in April – 2, 9, 16, and 23 and feature these fun programs for kids ages 2-5. Classes are “buddy & me” – a parent or caregiver attends with the child.
- Mini Masters – 9:30-10:30 am Artists of the 20th century inspire age appropriate activities based on the works of Alexander Calder, Louise Nevelson, Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol.
- Art Attack – 10:45-11:45am Studio basics geared for small hands. Explore methods of art production through drawing, printmaking, sculpture and mixed media materials. Only 1 spot left!
- Pico Picassos – 12:00-1:00 pm Pablo Picasso’s varied styles introduces the concepts of self portrait, mask making, collage and painting
- Eco Art – 1:15-2:15 Earth-friendly art & craft experiences highlight little imaginations. We’ll discover new ways to use everyday objects and recycle at the same time.
Connect with Art a la Carte Des Moines
Learn more at www.artalacartedm.com or connect via Facebook.
Summer Schedule
The summer class schedule will be available in May with classes starting in June. Classes will also be available for elementary age kids. Ages 5 and up can attend without a parent.
Today’s giveaway will provide 19 class tuitions for the month of April! ($88 value each) The first 19 DMMB readers to call or email Sharon and request a class for their child will get theirs FREE! (One class per household, please.)
To Register, call Sharon Hatten at 515.669.6636 or email [email protected] and provide the following information:
- The class you want to attend
- A 2nd choice in the event that your first preference is full
- Name & age of the child
- Attending adult’s name
- Contact e-mail & phone number
- Mention you are part of Des Moines Moms Blog