Last week I posted an article about deciding on family size. The big question, "Are you done?" has been the topic of many a conversation in my home; and it's one that we haven't been able to finally answer. I...
At 30 weeks pregnant I was hit with the news that I gloriously failed my grueling 3-hour Gestational Diabetes test. During what was already a rough pregnancy for me, this was an added unwelcome complication. I survived the last ten weeks...
Going back to work after maternity leave is full of unknowns. It’s getting back into a routine after spending time with your little babe. It’s questioning if you have done everything right and if you have made the right...
Getting dressed postpartum can be tricky and sometimes discouraging. It is easy to wear the old stand by—elastic-banded maternity jeans—but wearing those jeans after having a baby does something to your already vulnerable emotional state. Disguise that mommy pouch with...
“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain." This is one of my favorite quotes. Dolly Parton said this after enduring many hardships throughout her life. I've been thinking about...
“Not fit for life,” the doctor said. “You won’t make it past three months.” Hearing these words come out of the specialist’s mouth was the last thing we expected to hear. We were 14 and half weeks pregnant with our second...
We all know someone who is or has struggled with infertility and we know it is a tough road. So, what do couples do when they are at a crossroads on the path to having children? About 10% (6.1 million)...
Now that you have considered where you are going to have your baby and who your care provider will be, it’s important to think about who you will have by your side when you bring this amazing blessing into...
I am twenty-some weeks pregnant, and even though I’m starting to feel big and awkward, I know I still have a long way to go before meeting this baby (it’s a girl!). Pregnancy does crazy things to your body. From...
This post is part 5 of 6 in the series How I Became a Mother. I will never forget that cold December day when I stood in the bathroom holding the positive pregnancy test I had dreamed about seeing for...

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In + Around Des Moines

Things to do in Des Moines in May 2024

May is the kick-off to our favorite festivals and farmers markets. Cinco de Mayo, BaconFest, CelebrAsian, Tulip Time, and Downtown Farmers Market are all...