What was your favorite part of today? What is something good you did today? What is something you learned today? These three questions are the topics of our dinner conversation every night. As we sit down to dinner as a family, we...
Are you a soccer mom?  Soccer moms are superheroes in my book. You're juggling schedules for practices and games, you're making sure players have all their gear, and most importantly, you're supplying snacks for everyone! Soccer Mom Survival Kit The best soccer...
Growing up, my father was an active duty Air Force pilot. My family moved every 2 to 3 years and it was a grand adventure. I loved to visit my dad at work and learn about the places we visited.  When...
Formula or breast milk? (Formula for both my boys) Co-sleeping or baby in their own bed? (Own bed 99% of the time) Vaccinate or not? (Vaccinate following recommended schedule) Baby led weaning or baby food from the jar? (From the jar or more often...
Find a great water bottle. Buy a few and keep one in your car at all times. The long-term benefits of hydration are scientifically sound whereas the rest of my advice comes only from my own taxing experience. I...
I know you think that you are all alone. I know you are in a dark, dark place. One that seems hopeless, even though you yourself don’t want to admit that. I know that there are times when you try your...
Last week was National Single Parent's Day. I saw several posts and tweets on social media so I started thinking about this day that is set aside to celebrate parents raising their kids solo. While I'm all for a day that gives...
I was walking with my girlfriends the other day and found myself bragging about my kids and boasting about a stellar, ninja parenting move I’d tried that actually worked (miracle!). I was working hard to appear as if I...
When my daughter was first born, I never thought I could juggle life as a working mom. From bottles and breastfeeding and pumping to finding time to take a shower, all while going on just a few hours of...
12:01am 01.01.2022 I made it. By some miracle, I made it. Survival was my mantra for the past few months. I did it. And if I accomplish nothing else, that will be enough. I sat down last week and plugged in my Instagram...

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In + Around Des Moines

Things to do in Des Moines in May 2024

May is the kick-off to our favorite festivals and farmers markets. Cinco de Mayo, BaconFest, CelebrAsian, Tulip Time, and Downtown Farmers Market are all...