Shay Scholtes

Shay Scholtes
Shay is the wife to a self proclaimed IT nerd, mama to two daughters, Sophia-5 and Saidey-2. By day she is an addiction/mental health therapist and by night she is a blogger/writer at Three Gals and a Guy, reader, and binger of Netflix and reality TV. LIfe can get crazy busy, but she wouldn't have it any other way!

Why We Told Our Kids the Truth About Santa

I love, love, love all holidays. It’s so fun to decorate and do all the fun activities associated with each holiday. But Christmas. Whew. My absolute, hands-down favorite holiday. It’s ALWAYS been my favorite holiday....
kids + halloween candy

Kids + Halloween Candy

Ahh, it’s October, leaves are falling and Hocus Pocus is on repeat at our house. It’s safe to say October is one of my favorite seasons! If you celebrate Halloween, you might be preparing...

Summer Reading

As someone who always has a running list of books to read there is nothing better than a good read in the summer. Well, a good book in the winter, cuddled up in a...
mental load of motherhood. Des Moines Mom

The Mental Load of Motherhood: Letting Go of Control

A few months ago, I was getting ready to head out the door, scrambling to get my stuff ready in the midst of relaying last-minute directions to my husband, “Make sure you give them...
girl with black hair looking at ipad and smiling

Deciding When To Leave Kids Home Alone

My husband and I have three kids, two of which are almost 13 and 10 years old. For the past year or so, the topic of when to start leaving kids at home by...
talking to kids about suicide Des Moines Mom

Talking to Kids About Suicide

The unfortunate truth is that many of us have been touched by suicide, whether by someone we loved, someone we knew, or even hearing about it in the news or social media. The other...
woman staring out window. Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder

If you're in Iowa, you know all too well the slump of the winter months. Increase in illness in ourselves and our kids, snow days, negative degree weather, and icy/snowy roads leads many of...
end of year calendar lessons learned

Lessons Learned in 2022

Anyone else finding it hard to believe it’s going to be 2023 soon?! I feel like I’m still stuck in 2020. As the year winds down, I always go into reflective mode. These are a...
calm woman with eyes closed

7 Tips for Finding Calm in Motherhood

In the last 12 years of being a parent, an infamous saying of mine would sound a little like this, “It’s just busy right now, it’ll get better after x,y,z.” Narrators voice: She was fooling...
girls holding baby. age gap. Des Moines Mom

Why I Love My Kid’s Age Difference

Before I had kids, I had certain ideas of how far apart I wanted my kids. My husband and I talked about what we ideally would want. I knew I wanted 3 to 4...