Elizabeth Sullivan

Elizabeth Sullivan
Elizabeth’s crazy clan includes Elizabeth Rain (2007), Sophia (2011), Will (2017) and Evie Grace (2019) and husband, Mike. You will read posts ranging from co-parenting, being a stepmom and mom simultaneously to mental health in moms. Please reach out to Elizabeth with any questions or stories of your own as she loves to engage with other moms. By sharing stories and listening to other moms’ happys, crappys, and sappys we better ourselves. Growth comes from having a group of moms that challenge you and empower you to be a better version of yourself each day.

Blended Family Holidays : A Mom’s Viewpoint

We get excited for the holidays in our house! As a blended family, holidays change each year depending on if it's an even or odd year. One year we have all four kiddos for...
mental health

Mental Health Struggles : My Journey Through Imperfection

Depression. Anxiety. PTSD. Eating Disorder. Suicide. I am a survivor, and I am here to share my story with you. It is a dark and lonely place to be when you are an imperfect...

Being a Stepmom Through A Pandemic

Schedules. School. Illness. Siblings. Worry. Unknowns. These are all things that have been talked about throughout the past five months in my home. How do you stepmom through a pandemic? There isn't a manual...
backyard fun

Backyard Adventures: Creating Summer Memories

Think outside the box and turn your backyard into an adventure! Obstacle courses, camping, and water play all use imaginative play in your backyard. This summer, more than ever, backyard adventures are a great...

My Experience as a NICU Mom, Times Two

The beautiful sound of the first cry of your baby is what moms imagine and dream of. Most moms don't imagine a NICU stay for their baby. Having your baby whisked away to be...

Being a Stepmom and Mom…The Ups and Downs

Stepmom. The one title I did not expect to have in my perfectly planned out life.  Well, that plan had a detour and I am blessed to be a stepmom. I have two amazing young...
day date

Day Date: The New Date Night

Who else loves day dates? My husband and I are intentionally working on finding time and space for dates. With four kids that can be difficult. Sports, Scouts, 4-H, school activities, volunteering make...
family tv shows

Our Favorite Family TV Shows

I appreciate all the great family shows available for our kids.  As a mom, it takes intentional effort to connect with our kiddos. Screens can come between us and our kiddos if we allow it...

Meet Elizabeth Sullivan

“When you know, you know” is a true statement in my life. I became engaged, married, and a stepmom in a matter of nine months. The love story I share with my husband shows...