Des Moines Mom

Des Moines Mom
Des Moines Mom is passionate about connecting Moms (and others) in Des Moines and central Iowa. We are your go-to source for finding fun activities, family resources, local events, and more!

How to Set an Allowance for Your Kids + Printable Chore Chart

With back-to-school around the corner, many parents are thinking ahead to what new schedules and daily routines will look like in the fall. Establishing chores and an allowance within this time is a great...
things to do in des moines in August

Things to do in Des Moines in August

Finish up summer strong with events for the whole family. Don't miss the last of the summer concerts or a fun event at a local pool. And we can't forget, it's state fair time! Count...
DART state fair

Ride the Bus to the Iowa State Fair and Save

Headed to the Iowa State Fair but not sure where to park? Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART) has an easy and inexpensive solution! Fair-goers can park their car and ride DART for...
tiffany tauscheck

Tiffany Tauscheck, President & CEO Greater Des Moines Partnership

Des Moines Mom recognizes that moms wear a lot of hats. You are a mom, wife, friend, diaper changer, nose wiper, meal planner, lost toy finder, the list goes on and on! This summer we...
best ice cream in Des Moines

Best Ice Cream in Des Moines

We all scream for ice cream! And there is no shortage of amazing scoop shops around town to enjoy. From seasonal shops to year-round, funky flavors to classic soft serve, try them all. Here's a...
Puberty Teens

How to Talk about Puberty with Your Teens

Talking about puberty is hard for many people, but it can seem especially daunting for parents of teen and pre-teen children. When should you have “the talk”? What do you say? How do you know...
Ally Van Iten House of Colour Des Moines

Ally Van Iten, owner of House of Colour Des Moines

Des Moines Mom recognizes that moms wear a lot of hats. You are a mom, wife, friend, diaper changer, nose wiper, meal planner, lost toy finder, the list goes on and on! This summer we...
county fair

3 Reasons We Love County Fairs

The unsung heroes of easy, affordable, and fun summer entertainment are local county fairs! While the Iowa State Fair might be the country's most popular fair (see my satirical post on why you should...
Sarah Chem 5 Borough Bagels

Sarah Chem, owner 5 Borough Bagels

Des Moines Mom recognizes that moms wear a lot of hats. You are a mom, wife, friend, diaper changer, nose wiper, meal planner, lost toy finder, the list goes on and on! This summer we...
Mallory Halverson Pop & Nod Des Moines

Mallory Halverson, owner of Pop & Nod

Des Moines Mom recognizes that moms wear a lot of hats. You are a mom, wife, friend, diaper changer, nose wiper, meal planner, lost toy finder, the list goes on and on! This summer we...