Christine Meggison
Christine Meggison is a speaker, an author and host of the Straight From the Heart(land) podcast.
She lives in Grimes, is married to husband Michael, and is the "World's Okay-est Mom" to three kids. In her free time, she likes reading fiction, coffee dates with friends, binge-watching tv, and naps.
Connect with Christine at
15 Family-Friendly Holiday Movies
When the weather outside is frightful, a movie sounds so delightful! From animated to comedy to classic, check this list twice for our top, family-friendly holiday movies. And when it's mom's turn to choose...
How to Survive A Snow Day
As a kid, I remember wishing and hoping and praying whenever there was a hint of snowy weather coming our way that we would get completely bombed by snow causing everything to shut down...
Tips for Hosting a Friendsgiving
I love Thanksgiving. The heart of the holiday is gratitude and it contains ALL the family and yummy food without any of the gift-buying stress. Fall-lelujah!
And while I enjoy the connection I have with...
Choosing Thankfulness….Even In A Pandemic
With a new year in sight, most of us are simply counting down the days until 2020 is OVER, am I right?!? Forget about the holidays and who cares about finishing strong, if we...
Why I Came Back To Social Media
In March of 2019, I walked away from all social media. No more Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. The reasons were varied and I wrote about them HERE, but essentially, I decided to invest in...
Should My Son Play Football?
I’ve always been a big football fan. I was a statistician for my high school team. My dad played college football and spent nearly 35 years as a football referee. I know the game...
Do You Need A Pumpkin Spice Intervention?
It sounds like a health condition. Or the newest offering from my cable company.
But, to millions of addicts fans around the world, the Pumpkin Spice Latte (or PSL, as it’s called by devotees) ushers...
Repeating To Self: Different Is Okay
I am guilty of seeing the world as right or wrong.
Sour Mike & Ikes: right. Black jelly beans: wrong.
Milk with cookies: right. Milk with pizza: wrong.
Replacing the toilet paper roll: right. Setting a new...
5 Ways to Find Me Time in a Stay-At-Home World
I was in Month Two of quarantine when I turned to my husband and said, “I can’t remember the last time I was alone.”
I thought really hard about it and it had been weeks.
I Want a 1980s Summer For My Kids
When I grew up in the early 1980s, my mom would kick us kids out of the house every summer morning. The pool was on the agenda for each afternoon, but between breakfast and...