Brittney Rutherford

Brittney Rutherford
Brittney and her husband, Tyler, have been married for 10 years and live in Ames. Their two sons, Beckett (5) and Hudson (3), keep them on their toes with constant wrestling, dinosaur-related questions and daily inquiries as to when their next trip to get ice cream will be. Brittney works full time in marketing and communications. She likes to bike (the kind with pedals), visit family, hang out with friends, be in or on water - and always has good coffee and red wine on hand.

How to Build a Work Pantry

You’re almost ready to leave for work when one kid tells you he wants home lunch and the other can’t find his backpack. Mornings like that usually leave you sitting at your desk with coffee...
swimsuit confidence

6 Ways to Have More Fun in Your Swimsuit

Swimsuit season is just around the corner! If that makes you cringe a little, you aren’t alone. An informal Instagram poll said 60% of my followers dread wearing a swimsuit. That stinks. Summer is...

When Your Kid Faces a Bully

The “how was school” question usually gets a pretty standard response at our house. One day, was different. Sprinkled in between stories about P.E. and the lunch menu, my first-grade son told me he...

Talking About Male Mental Health

What happens when your husband needs help? I’m not talking about putting a fitted sheet on a bed or picking out a matching outfit for your kid kind of struggling. I’m talking about mental...

Love Lessons

We got married at the ripe old ages of 23 and 24. Like a lot of people, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 was part of the ceremony. Cliché? Yes.   We moved a few years ago and...

Use Microresolutions to Make Real Changes

It’s the time of year when things shift from love, joy, and peace to a Christmas hangover. The world will start telling you to be better, thinner, clean your house, organize your stuff, and do...
don't like babies

Babies Aren’t My Thing

I don’t like babies. There, I said it. On a moms’ blog. Those are four words you’re not supposed to say or even think. But, for me? It's mostly true. I like the other stages better. It...
first day of kindergarten

Lessons from Kindergarten

Our oldest went to kindergarten last year. I swear, it was just yesterday I was holding him in my arms terrified I didn’t know what I was doing with this tiny infant. And here we were....
clear lake iowa day trip Des Moines Mom

Plan a Clear Lake Day Trip

Enjoy a beach day trip right here in Iowa! Like the Raygun shirt says, “Clear Lake: We’re closer than Okoboji!”  Clear Lake is an hour and 45 minutes from downtown Des Moines. With shops, restaurants, and beaches,...
Theisens Summer Fun Family Activities

Summer Fun: Outdoor Family Activities with Theisen’s

Our Carhartt coats are officially put away and it’s (FINALLY) time to dive into summer! How do you entice your kids to get out of the AC and into the backyard? You can find everything...