As an Elementary School teacher, I am well versed in “back to school season.” I know how exhausting the first few weeks of school can be, and I thought I was prepared to send our oldest son to Kindergarten.
We had been anticipating the start of Kindergarten since preschool drew to an end in May, and I had been checking items off of my mental to-do list since May as well.
Extra water bottle? Check.
Bentgo box for lunch? Check.
Read “The Kissing Hand”? Check, check, check.
In my anxiety-ridden preparation to send my son to Kindergarten, I neglected to think about how this change would affect me.
We’re just over a week into our school year, and the verdict is…I miss him.
I miss being able to message his childcare provider and receive an instant response (plus a picture!) sharing how he was doing.
I miss knowing that he was with a small group of children with an adult’s eyes always on him.
I miss knowing every little detail of his day.
As the years continue on, I’m learning that the process of growing up is bittersweet. I am so proud to see our son grow up and learn new things, but I miss the sweetness and simplicity of the baby and toddler years. I will cheer him on as he grows while my heart is simultaneously breaking, mourning how quickly life moves.
The weeks will continue on, and my family will settle into this new season of life. When I have a hard moment, I remind myself: this is what we raise our children for. As much as I miss him, growing up is unavoidable, and it’s all part of life’s great design.
If you know a mama who sent her child to kindergarten this fall, be sure to check in on her, too. Sometimes we need a hug just as much as our five year olds do.